إليكم بعض اختصارات العظام كثير استخدامها بالطوارئ
F. B = foreign body
# = fracture
POP = Plaster of paris
B/K = below knee
A/K = above knee
B/E = below elbow
A/E = above elbow
RTA = road traffic accident
OA = osteo arthritis
NWB= non weight bearing
PWB = partial weight bearing
FWB = full weight bearing
C&M = circulation & movement
COP = change of plaster
TF = tibia & fibula
R&U = radius & ulna
CDH = congenital & dislocation of hip
SLR= straight leg raising
COM = chronic osteomyelitis
CF club foot
EUA = examination under anesthesia
PC = post concussion
MCB = meta carpal bones
MTB= meta tarsal bones
CS = fracture cervical spine [/COLOR #]
DS = fracture dorsal spine #
[color="blue"]LS = fracture lumbar spine [/COLOR #]
THR = total hip replacement
[color="blue"]TKR = total knee replacement
PP = pin & plate
BB = both